Emacs no docstring slot for

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python - Adding docstring to __slots__ descriptor? - Stack

Entire manual is generated from docstrings. .... PARSER function takes no argument and it is executed in the buffer with HTTP response body. ... Emacs users have better things to do rather than waiting for HTTP request. ... Slots, Backends. Emacs Mini Manual (PART 3) - CUSTOMIZING AND EXTENDING ... In the old days, when Emacs did not have a package manager and did not ... Emacs) determines which of the following 3 forms the symbol in the first slot is, ..... The optional third argument DOCSTRING specifies the documentation string for ... Modifying docstring slot of an existing Emacs Lisp function ... Is it possible to set the docstring of a an already defined Emacs Lisp function ... The No docstring slot for ... warnings are your problem, not the ...

Oct 18, 2018 · @redguardtoo 我在win7 和win10 下的Cygwin中安装emacs 26.1后使用您的配置文件,启动都要20多秒,没有出错信息,只是在 Message Buffer中有以下提示: `` 1 No docstring slot for post-read-decode-hz 2 No docstring slot for pre-write-encode-hz …

Observed behavior Using doom-emacs in latex-mode and trying to compile with latexmk the .tex with C-c C-a and view the pdf with pdf-tools. In neither case those options worked. In the private init.el I have (latex +latexmk +pdf-tools). I... emacs-devel (thread) - lists.gnu.org

This reverts almost all my recent changes to use curved quotes in docstrings and/or strings used for error diagnostics. There are a few exceptions, e.g., Bahá’í ...

There’s a new Emacs minor release due out any day now, and it’s become something of a tradition for me to annotate the NEWS file. What's New in Emacs 24.3 - Mastering Emacs No idea about mouse events but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for those to get passed down and back up properly. bug-gnu-emacs (date) Archives are refreshed every 30 minutes - for details, please visit the main index. You can also download the archives in mbox format . [Emacs-diffs] master 9bd8f01 1/5: Merge from origin/emacs-26

CEPL abstracts working with OpenGL but is not responsible for creating a window or ... Note: On OSX , slime users may want to add the code specifed in docs/single-thread-swank.md to their Emacs config file, and .... No docstring provided. ...... An FBO attachment is a slot where a texture-backed gpu-array can be attached.

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python code examples for sphinxcontrib.emacs.nodes.el_docstring_block.Here are the examples of the python api sphinxcontrib.emacs.nodes.el_ docstring_block taken from open source projects. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate.

Emacs Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for those using, extending or developing Emacs. Unanswered ; Optional docstring in defun. Ask Question 2. After taking a look at the definition of defun in ... (which means there is no docstring). If I understand correctly, this allows the user of a defun to specify a docstring or to it out ... Docstring Convention: Python vs Emacs Lisp - Xah Lee Emacs's style, is more “clean”. Because, if you don't require a line ending, you might want to not include it in your source code. there are 3 ways to go about this: ① Require the coder to always have a newline at the end of docstring. ② require the coder to not have a newline at the end of docstring. ③ no such requirement, either way.